
Initial Purchase, Initial Install and Initial Training Pricing
Support/Update/Training Subscription Pricing
Required Program:
$1,599 initial cost, for up to 5 workstations
$99 initial cost for each additional workstation
Optional Modules:
Web / Mobile Apps (Internal) $999 initial cost
Web / Mobile Apps (External) $999 initial cost
Landlord Self Registration $999 initial cost
Automated Data Importing $999 initial cost
Incident Notification Emails $999 initial cost
Secure Data Encryption (SSL) $999 initial cost
InspectionWeb (Mobile Inspections)__$999 initial cost
Each Module can be used by unlimited users
These prices reflect the Initial Cost and include all installation help on workstations and servers, data file formatting and setup, and all Initial training; basically we help you with everything it takes to get you up and running quickly and easily.
Required Program:
$299 annually for up to 5 workstations
$29 annually for each additional workstation
Optional Modules:
Web / Mobile Apps (Internal) $99 annually
Web / Mobile Apps (External) $99 annually
Landlord Self Registration $99 annually
Automated Data Importing $99 annually
Incident Notification Emails $99 annually
Secure Data Encryption (SSL) $199 annually
InspectionWeb (Mobile Inspections) $999 annually
Each Module can be used by unlimited users
These prices reflect the Annual Subscription cost that will provide you with unlimited free Upgrades during the Subscription Period, unlimited help with Installation / Re-Installation / Moving Database to different Servers, etc. Also we offer bi-annual training sessions for your software users if they desire.
We also offer a 6-month Free Trial (on the Core Administration Package, the fundamental building block of this entire software suite) so you can see how effective the software is for you and your agency. We will install the software, train the users and provide full support for the 6-month trial period. We are very confident that once you actually use this software, you will find it is indispensable to your Crime Free Program in your city.
Please contact us so we can discuss your needs and pricing options. We have worked with Crime Free cities all over the USA and Canada for over 25 years and we know we can help you improve your city's Crime Free program with this software and support!